Joey Miller in a hall at THS. This photo must have been taken in February during Rodeo Week--the only time the gals were allowed to wear 'pants' during the school year. |
Posted By: Administrator 08-29-2008 Views: 3214
Lynn Moon & Edna McKeever dressed in Lynn's great-grandmother's dresses. (Lynn we hope you still have the lovely old outfits!) |
Posted By: Administrator 08-29-2008 Views: 3124
Cool! Edwina Caballero poses in footgear that was called 'tabbies,' as we remember (correctly or incorrectly?). They were Japanese 'socks' made to slip into a pair of zoories/zories--what today we ... |
Posted By: Administrator 08-29-2008 Views: 3138
This picture takes the prize! Edna 'Badger' McKeever consorts with arch-enemy Wendy 'Panther' MacMillan at the 1956 THS/Amphi Thanksgiving Day football game. What a treasure! |
Posted By: Administrator 08-29-2008 Views: 3089